A Flourishing Mindset: Girlfriends Guide to Growing Natural Hair

J.Crew Can't Style Black Hair. What were they thinking?

J.Crew Can't Style Black Hair. What were they thinking?
J. Crew tried it when they destroyed this models hair. Black hair is not that hard to style, so what wen wrong here?

How to Massage Scalp to Promote Hair Growth

How to Massage Scalp to Promote Hair Growth

Natural Oils to Grow Long Natural Kinky Curly Hair

Natural Oils to Grow Long Natural Kinky Curly Hair
Restore your hair back to health with natural oils. Stop using products with tons of chemicals in your hair. Black hair can grow with the natural ingredients.

Black Hair Myths

Black Hair Myths
Myth 1: Cutting hair makes it grow faster. ... Myth 5: Prenatal vitamins make hair grow longer. Many women experience very good hair growth during their pregnancies and attribute this growth to hairvitamins. When it comes to black hair, “common sense” is the least reliable tool for decision making since even black people are constantly changing their minds about what they want to do with their hair.


Bentonite Clay Hair Mask
Learn the benefits of using Bentonite Clay for your hair health.